Friday, May 22, 2009

Fearless Friday- Glutten-Free Donut Muffins

We resently found out my youngest daughter reacts to food with wheat and oats in them. She is still young enough to eat mostly baby food, but is starting to eat some of our food (I like to grind up food I make). She is also starting to eat finger food and breads. My attempt to make something I could eat with her I found a donut muffin recipe. The only thing I did differently is substituted the all-purpose flour for Glutten-free all-purpose baking flour.

After baking these muffins they turned out very light and airy, like the combination of a popover and muffin. The kids loved them and asked me to make more. The little one loved them too, but I think next time I will not put powder sugar on hers as they were quite messy.

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