Gabriel at 9.5 years old. He is a great helper and is playing baseball this summer. We start the second week in June.
Logan is 5 years old. He loves to play outside and he gets to play t-ball this summer. He also starts the second seek in June.
Hailey is 3 years old and loves to keep up with her brothers outside and try to hold her little sister.
Malia is 9 months old. She loves the grass and trying to eat it. She is getting so big. She is working on her 4th tooth, crawls, climbs and tries to stand by everything.
Countdown to Turkey Day The Soft Menu Plan
1 year ago
1 comment:
Tie bricks to their heads and make them stop growing.
Oh, I'm starting to hatch plans for heading up to MN late this summer. Nothing is set in stone, it's going to depend on the testing Aidan has to do for school.
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