Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Grandma's Thunder Cake

This cake was in the back of a book Logan read at school and he brought home the recipe. Of course we had to try it and I was very nervous about that. Who puts pureed tomatoes in their chocolate cake? I did, yes I did and it turned out great. I don't know what they did, but you could not taste them and it gave the cake a cool color. My little helpers were very proud of their cake too.

1 comment:

Annette said...

Hi! Found your blog through Home-Ec 101 (one of my new faves!), and I had to leave a comment on this post!! I was a Kindergarten teacher B.C. (before children), and I used to read that book to the kiddos. But I never had the courage to actually try it!!! Big props to you!!! Looks yummy!!!